
The Harbor Day parent body is integral to the school; they keep the Harbor Day community vibrant and thriving. Parents truly support the mission of providing a well-rounded education by their involvement in activities such as the Back-to-School Picnic, Fall Benefit, Ladies’ Event, Grandparents’ Day, community service days, and speaker events.
Goals of The Parent Council:
  • Promote a sense of community among the parents at our school.
  • Provide a strong communication link between the parent body and the school
  • Work to raise funds to help provide enrichment opportunities for students and parents
Current parents, log in to get more information.
    • Parent Council 23-24

Harbor Day School

3443 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Phone<title><script type="mce-text/javascript"> (function(a,e,c,f,g,h,b,d){var k={ak:"984895077",cl:"EfBCCP-Fv3UQ5ZzR1QM"};a[c]=a[c]||function(){(a[c].q=a[c].q||[]).push(arguments)};a[g]||(a[g]=k.ak);b=e.createElement(h);b.async=1;b.src="//";d=e.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(b,d);a[f]=function(b,d,e){a[c](2,b,k,d,null,new Date,e)};a[f]()})(window,document,"_googWcmImpl","_googWcmGet","_googWcmAk","script"); </script><head><body>1-949-640-1410<html></html></body></head><br><br><br>
Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.
Harbor Day School does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, or other programs administered by the School.