Beyond the Bell After Care Program

Harbor Day School's Beyond the Bell after care program runs daily from Monday through Friday. There are two options for students to register for: teacher-led enrichment classes and Beyond the Bell (BTB) after care option.
Teacher-led enrichment classes run for 6-week sessions and include various topics such as Minecraft, ceramics, robotics, art, sports, and debate. Teacher-led classes are not offered on Tuesdays due to faculty meetings. After the class, students may be picked up or go to BTB after care.
The Beyond the Bell after care program runs Monday through Friday. The program includes weekly themes and daily activities for the first hour. The second hour will include study time, quiet reading time, and an option for outdoor playtime. Students may get picked up at any time during the after care program.
Registration information for BTB will be included in the August packet that is emailed in late August.

Harbor Day School

3443 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Phone<title><script type="mce-text/javascript"> (function(a,e,c,f,g,h,b,d){var k={ak:"984895077",cl:"EfBCCP-Fv3UQ5ZzR1QM"};a[c]=a[c]||function(){(a[c].q=a[c].q||[]).push(arguments)};a[g]||(a[g]=k.ak);b=e.createElement(h);b.async=1;b.src="//";d=e.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(b,d);a[f]=function(b,d,e){a[c](2,b,k,d,null,new Date,e)};a[f]()})(window,document,"_googWcmImpl","_googWcmGet","_googWcmAk","script"); </script><head><body>1-949-640-1410<html></html></body></head><br><br><br>
Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.