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4th Grade

fourth boys playing on field

4th Grade 

Fourth Grade is a self-contained classroom program. Daily classroom studies include reading, English, spelling, mathematics, and social studies. In addition, students meet with specialist teachers for the following subjects each week: science (three 40-minute periods), art (two 40-minute periods), music (two 40-minute periods), physical education (five 30-minute periods), library (one 45-minute period), technology (two 30-minute periods), woodshop (one 30-minute period), and Spanish (two 30-minute periods).

A classroom associate is shared between the two fourth grade classes and two fifth grade classes. The associate helps to facilitate individual and small-group work. A Learning Specialist and a Math Specialist are available to work with small groups of students or individuals. Study skills are emphasized, and approximately 45 minutes of homework and independent reading are expected each weeknight.

Children receive four assessments of progress throughout the year. Teachers and parents meet for a conference at the end of the first and third quarters. At the end of the first and third quarters, the assessment reports include a checklist of progress in academic skills, work habits and citizenship as well as achievement and effort grades. At the end of the semesters in January and June, the assessments also include a narrative report.