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8th Grade

student and faculty volleyball game

8th Grade 

The eighth grade is a fully departmentalized program. Students follow individual schedules for the following subjects: language arts (six 50-minute periods), mathematics (five 50-minute periods), United States history (four 50-minute periods), science (four 50-minute periods), world language (four 50-minute periods), physical education (three 50-minute periods), music (one 50-minute period), art (one 50-minute period), library (one 50-minute period), and study hall (one 50-minute period). Students choose an elective for five different sessions throughout the year. Each session meets for three 50-minute periods per week.

Four assessments of the students’ progress are made to the parents. At the end of the first and third quarters, prior to parent conferences, the assessment reports include a checklist of progress in academic skills, work habits and citizenship as well as achievement and effort grades. At the end of the semesters in January and June, the assessments also include a narrative report. Study skills are emphasized, and approximately 90 minutes of homework are expected each weeknight. Most academic courses include exams at the end of each semester. As a minimal requirement for graduation, students must meet the course requirements in both mathematics and English. No diploma will be awarded until this requirement is satisfied. 

8th Grade Curriculum