A Stand Against Racism

A Message from June 1, 2020:

Dear Harbor Day Community,
Last week’s death of George Floyd, the most recent in a string of nationally recognized racial injustices, has sparked protests that have led to a universal conversation about the importance of all in our nation to be anti-racist. At Harbor Day School, the teachers work daily to inject anti-racist ideology into the curriculum. Twice this year, the school’s Inclusivity and Diversity Committee (IDC) brought Monique Marshall to HDS to teach our faculty and staff developmentally appropriate practices that help students understand and celebrate people’s unique traits and areas of commonality. Over many years, teachers in all grades have widened their literature study to allow our students to hear and learn from different voices and perspectives. Our school actively seeks presenters - in the classroom, at assemblies, and on field trips - who expose our students to many cultures and traditions. All of these efforts have the goal of making our students empathetic people who strive to welcome, understand, and respect all kinds of people.

Harbor Day School has a Policy Against Racism and Bigotry in the Student and Parent Handbook. We reject racism. But more tangibly, as a community, we strive to move beyond simply denouncing racism. We want to call ourselves anti-racists.

The Harbor Day School Administration and Faculty

Book recommendations on Diversity and Anti-Racism
Grades K-2
Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena
My Papi Has a Motorcycle by Isabel Quintero
Crown: Ode to a Fresh Cut by Derek Barnes
Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal
Where Are You From?  by Yamile Saied Méndez, Jaime Kim
The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson, Rafael López
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold, Suzanne Kaufman
Grades 3-5
This Book is Antiracist by Tiffany Jewell
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You: A Remix of the National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning by Jason Reynolds, Ibram X. Kendi
The Other Boy by M. G. Hennessey
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Grades 6-8
All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely
Ghost Boys by Jewell Rhodes
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Saenz
American Born Chinese by Gene Yang
Front Desk by Kelly Yang
Ain’t So Awful, Falafel by Firoozeh Dumas 
Genesis Begins Again by Alicia D. Williams
Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi
We Were 8 Years in Power by Ta Nehisi Coates
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah 
Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit 
We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Adiche
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X Kendi

Harbor Day School

3443 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Phone<title><script type="mce-text/javascript"> (function(a,e,c,f,g,h,b,d){var k={ak:"984895077",cl:"EfBCCP-Fv3UQ5ZzR1QM"};a[c]=a[c]||function(){(a[c].q=a[c].q||[]).push(arguments)};a[g]||(a[g]=k.ak);b=e.createElement(h);b.async=1;b.src="//www.gstatic.com/wcm/loader.js";d=e.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(b,d);a[f]=function(b,d,e){a[c](2,b,k,d,null,new Date,e)};a[f]()})(window,document,"_googWcmImpl","_googWcmGet","_googWcmAk","script"); </script><head><body>1-949-640-1410<html></html></body></head><br><br><br>
Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.