Making Math Fun!

Amy Grace
Games provide a home-school connection that is motivating and easy to encourageunlike many traditional tasks. Nighttime battles around the kitchen table over completing 50 worksheet problems do not endear mathematics to anyone at home. But a game that parents or siblings can play with students supports learning and develops positive attitudes toward mathematics that can last a lifetime.
- Eliza Sorte-Thomas, author of the book Math Play 

One of the most effective ways our teachers help students master their math facts, and build math fluency is by playing games. Dimensions Math, Harbor Day School’s math program, provides many engaging and creative ways to help students reinforce their skills through games. This is also something that you can do at home with your child. Below, you will find a variety of different games, that can be played at home with just a deck of cards. It is my hope that you will try a few games with your child, as it is a fun way to help solidify and strengthen their number sense! Happy playing! 

Oh No, 99 - Not One Hundred!

About the Author:
Mrs. Grace has been a part of the Harbor Day School community since 2011. She started as an associate teacher in kindergarten and second grade. In 2015, she became Harbor Day's Math Specialist. Born and raised in Newport Beach, she attended Andersen Elementary and Corona del Mar High School. While attending Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, she earned a teaching credential in elementary education. Mrs. Grace also has her master’s degree from Concordia University. Before joining the Harbor Day School family, she taught fifth grade in Santa Ana. After school, Mrs. Grace tutors children of all ages in a variety of subjects. When she is not in the classroom, Mrs. Grace enjoys riding her bike, reading, running, swimming, and relaxing at the beach.

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.