Latin Club Students Raise $500 for Mbahe School Uniforms!

Magistra Robinson
The Latin Club sold donuts and snacks at recess as well as at Make a Difference Day in order to raise the funds for the Mbahe Primary School. Latin Teacher, Magistra Robinson, and some of the Latin Club students presented Mrs. Joan Coleman (Mbahe trip coordinator) with a $500 check and 100 booklets for the students of the school. The money will be used to provide new uniforms for especially needy students. Latin officers decorated the booklets with drawings of points of pride in Tanzania, and then many classmates wrote personal notes on the back of each booklet in English and Swahili. Mrs. Coleman will be making her annual trip to Mbahe school over February Break.

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.