National Geography Bee

Nearly 10,000 schools are participating in this year’s National Geographic Bee. Congratulations to seventh grader Grant F. who won Harbor Day’s Geographic Bee during Wednesday’s assembly. The school winners, including Grant, will now take a qualifying test to be eligible for the competition at the state level. The California competition will take place in Sacramento this spring.

Competing in Harbor Day’s Geographic Bee were seven students from fifth through eighth grade. These students were selected after a preliminary screening test was administered to all upper school students before the holiday recess. The top geography qualifiers were:
Elliott C. (8), Carson M. (8), Shaan S. (8), Grant F. (7), Reed W. (7), Thomas H. (6), Owen M. (6), Parker J. (5), and Mo K. (5).

Everyone can test their geography knowledge at, which posts 10 new questions a day.

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.