Ten Minutes on Campus with Mrs. Evans

I started by going to our modular learning classrooms, AKA “The Village.” The village houses one section each of third and fourth grade, as well as all fifth and sixth grade classrooms and a studio for P.E. 

Mrs. Yagar and Ms. Zarrilli were teaching art in 5-K. Austin works diligently on his sunflower image. Mrs. Yagar urged the students to try different techniques to color their yellow petals.

Mr. Grogan shared the excitement of studying history with his sixth grade students.

While Mrs. Chiao’s fourth grade class started their morning meeting by greeting each other hello in Armenian. Did you know that Mrs. Chiao’s class practices greeting each other in new languages regularly?

Speaking of greeting, Mrs. Bhatia, Harbor Day’s receptionist, is a pro at greeting everyone in an uplifting way:

Ms. Hogan’s kindergarten practiced writing 78 on their white boards and then they discussed how to decide if 78 is an even or an odd number.

In Ms. Lange’s class, Ms. McClain helped Flynn choose a new sticker chart:

As the rest of K-L wrote the date on their boards, Addie S. showed me her great work:

The first graders have been working on building their math facts all school year. Adam and Mrs. Lakritz worked on flash cards when I dropped by their classroom:

Mrs. Porter’s second grade classroom worked on proper grammar. Perry shared with her classmates how she used commas to separate a list of items. As you all know, HDS students graduate with solid writing skills, and this class has many strong writers.

3-R just changed seats, and Dylan seems quite happy with her new desk in the front of the room.

The seventh grade students in Mr. Gapp’s computer class will build motion detector machines this semester. Jamie can’t resist peeking at all the parts. By the way, seventh grade is trying out a new style of desk. We can’t wait to have all new furniture in the new school building.

Mr. Kerr’s eighth graders brainstormed topics for writing persuasive letters. Conrad definitely has some things that he thinks could be improved, and Keaton would like to see female athletes paid equally to male athletes. I could have listened to this lively discussion all morning.

Ni Hao eighth grade Mandarin students! Mark James looks cold because we are keeping the doors open and the air fresh in our classrooms. Remind your children to wear a sweatshirt or jacket in the morning.

Salve to the Latin students, who are playing a vocabulary game.

While learning at home, Iris gets in on the competition via Zoom, which is projected on the Smart Board at the front of Magistra Paff’s room:

Back to the Village to check for P.E. in the Studio. P.E. class hasn’t started yet, but the room is ready for a fun skill-building activity. Playing indoors on this blustery day is a good idea.

Speaking of weather, Mrs. Meyer lit the fireplace in the library to provide some warmth on this chilly day.

That area looks cozy, and a great place for me to rest before the next meeting. 

Gradatim ad Summum,
Angi Evans

Harbor Day School

3443 Pacific View Drive
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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.