5 Things To Do With Your Kids This Summer

Jaime Zwerling
Here are some suggestions for keeping your child’s mind alive and active over the summer.
  1. Visit the public library. There are so many books to check out, activities to do, and games to play. Help familiarize your child with the library now so they can see it as an important tool in the future. The Newport Beach Public Library Summer Reading Program allows kids to read and earn prizes all summer!
  2. Go for a nature walk. We live in an amazingly rich ecosystem. Get outside and ensure your child sees and appreciates this beautiful home we have. This helps them develop a sense of belonging and responsibility to care for their surroundings.
  3. Get your child writing. Encourage your student to write and illustrate their own summer journal, photo journal, or diary. This is a great way for them to connect their own experiences to written words and books.
  4. Get your hands dirty. Plant a vegetable garden, herb garden, or butterfly garden. These hands-on experiences can't be underestimated. Your child will beam with pride as they add their home-grown cucumber to the dinner salad or watch a butterfly dip their proboscis into one of their very own flowers.
  5. Try something new. Sign your child up for a class, camp or volunteer program – something of their choosing. Whatever the activity, summer is a great time to help children find their interests and passions. This can lead to a rich path of study in high school, college, and beyond.

Best of all, lead by example. Teach your children to work hard and play hard. After all, summer vacation will one day be a distant memory. Days, months, and years of work will follow. Children need a break from the constant rigor of school and allowing them to play and have fun will be an enriching and rewarding experience for them and you!

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.