Get that Binder Organized: A Guide to Organization for Grades 6-8

Amy Zucker & Leslie Yagar
One of the keys to success in education is maintaining an organized binder system. It has been found that when students are able to keep track of their materials, and know where their assignments are, they are able to more efficiently get their homework and studying accomplished. An organized binder can make the difference between an A and B student. When materials are organized, students are less likely to misplace an assignment or lose notes that are needed to prepare for a test. In upper school, students need to hold onto their materials in order to prepare for their semester exams, which are given in January and June. At Harbor Day School, the students are provided with all the necessary materials for their binders. However, while they are given assistance from time to time in advisory, the students are expected to maintain their binders independently. We have listed a few suggestions and helpful hints that can be used to better assist students with their binder organization at home.

As seen below, at the front of their binders, students should have a pencil pouch with all the materials that they need to take notes in class. Some of the suggested materials to keep in the pouch include: pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters, and a glue stick.

The students should keep their Harbor Day School planner directly behind their pencil pouch. In their planner, the students are expected to write down all assignments, quizzes, and tests. One of the strongest aspects of the planner is that it allows the students to see their entire week simultaneously. This year, we are encouraging students to open their planners and record their homework assignments at the beginning of each class period. The portal should be used as a way to double check their assignments, but should not be considered their planner.
After the planner, the students should have a divider tab for each class. It is important for students to have all of their tabs labeled, which will help them easily access their individual class materials. Behind each class divider, it is beneficial to chronologically file papers, starting with a copy of each class’ syllabus followed by the assignments. The most recent assignments should always be filed at the back of each section. Writing the date and class assignment on each piece of paper will help students easily file and locate their papers in the binders. The picture below shows properly dated, labeled and chronologically filed notes. That being said, it is vital that students hole punch all papers, and use the three rings to file them. Oftentimes, the students rely on the front pouch or the divider pouches, which is an easy way to lose important assignments. Lastly, it is suggested that the final section in the binder is devoted to blank lined paper. Having a plethora of blank paper will make note taking quick and easy for all students.

Throughout the school year, upper school students are working on these skills in advisory. From time to time, their advisors check in on their binders, provide a hole punch for any loose leaf papers, and help the students clean out papers that are no longer needed. Another area of focus in advisory is time management, and helping the students manage their schoolwork with their extracurricular activities. One suggestion that we have to offer is to have the students write after-school commitments into their planners, so they can plan their homework accordingly.

While the students work on organization at school, it is always beneficial to check in with your student on a regular basis regarding organization and binder maintenance. We highly recommend having a three-ring hole punch, hole reinforcement stickers (for ripped papers) and sticky notes easily accessible to students at home. Sticky notes are a great way for students to mark their work in progress, so that it does not get lost in the binder. Happy organizing!

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.