Making a Difference!

On Saturday, November 18 Harbor Day hosted its annual Make a Difference Day event on campus. It was a wonderful day with tons of students, parents, faculty, staff and friends participating in a myriad of activities. Even the dogs from "New Beginnings for Animals" benefited by getting new chew toys (see photo gallery)! Here is a breakdown of everything that was donated or created:
Jesse Rees Foundation Joy Jars: 35 Key chains and 75 cards made
Brownie Bake Sale: $119
Latin club: $140 for baked goods & made 70 booklets for Mbahe school
Boy Scout Mistletoe sales: $175
Pencils for Promise: $295 collected
Snowflakes: 207 made
Blind Children's learning center: 90 tags created
Daisy Scouts color smile: 17 created
Helps International: $100 baked goods and 60 toiletries collected
Paracord bracelets made: 120
Pacific Marine Life: 9 bottle of Tide detergent, 4 bottles of Pedialyte, 4 bottles of Karo Syrup, 40 rolls of toilet paper, and 2 boxes of large trash bags. They sold about 50 bracelets. Gross sales were $260.
Sold 50 bags of pop corn
Sold 60 Hot dogs
Thank you to everyone who participated. A special thank you to Natalie Donahoo and Bahareh Madhi for organizing such a successful event.

Harbor Day School

3443 Pacific View Drive
Corona del Mar, CA 92625 Phone<title><script type="mce-text/javascript"> (function(a,e,c,f,g,h,b,d){var k={ak:"984895077",cl:"EfBCCP-Fv3UQ5ZzR1QM"};a[c]=a[c]||function(){(a[c].q=a[c].q||[]).push(arguments)};a[g]||(a[g]=k.ak);b=e.createElement(h);b.async=1;b.src="//";d=e.getElementsByTagName(h)[0];d.parentNode.insertBefore(b,d);a[f]=function(b,d,e){a[c](2,b,k,d,null,new Date,e)};a[f]()})(window,document,"_googWcmImpl","_googWcmGet","_googWcmAk","script"); </script><head><body>1-949-640-1410<html></html></body></head><br><br><br>
Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.