A Visit from Author Stuart Gibbs

Nicole Nelson
As part of his all-day visit to Harbor Day School on Wednesday, February 7, New York Times best-selling author Stuart Gibbs gave an assembly for 3rd-8th grades. His theme was where the inspiration for his books comes from, which is what he is asked about most often.
Although Mr. Gibbs knew he wanted to be an author starting in around second grade, he studied field biology in college. That interest in animals was the inspiration for his "Fun Jungle" series, set in a zoo. His friend from college became an astronaut, and that friend's stories about his job inspired the "Moon Base Alpha" books. His "Spy School" series came from a combination of his life-long love of James Bond and lots of research.
Mr. Gibbs has also frequently been asked why he always writes mysteries. What he likes about them is, "A mystery is a story where the smartest person wins." He concluded by encouraging students, "If you work hard at school, and are smart, you can be what you want--a biologist, an astronaut, a spy, or even, if you are lucky, a middle-grade author." Students had lots of questions for the Q & A portion of the talk, and were excited to get to hear more about the work of this popular author.

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.