Character Education
Character Education
Character development is seamlessly integrated into the curriculum by focusing on the Six Character Traits: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Consistency of language has helped our students and faculty incorporate each aspect into their daily lives.
The study of character takes on many forms from kindergarten through eighth grade. Character education is reinforced through a cross-curricular approach that allows the simultaneous development of both educational skills and strength of character. Discussions and activities in classrooms, library, outdoor spaces, advisory groups, and family meetings center on the character traits and remind students of the impact of their words and actions.
In literature classes and the library, students become aware of character traits and their impact through analysis of themes related to them. In art, collaboration on projects with different pillar themes provides the opportunity to work together as the concepts are emphasized. In PE and recess, students are encouraged to exemplify the traits as they participate in group activities. Discussions in advisory groups and family meetings reinforce behavior that aligns with these traits.
Students learn that they each have the power to make a difference in their own lives and in the lives of those around them. Learning this important lesson starting in kindergarten enables students to gain a sense of personal responsibility for their actions. They understand the importance of character and how their behavior affects relationships with friends, teachers, and family members. Ultimately, the prioritization of character at Harbor Day creates a positive learning environment because students are empowered to develop strong relationships and enjoy coming to school.
Second graders are learning the tools to be internally motivated by discovering what it looks, feels, and sounds like to have good character.Ms. Oliphant
Second grade teacher