Harbor Day’s technology program seeks to teach our students how to problem-solve creatively, adapt, and develop new thinking processes that address the situations that they will face tomorrow.
Our educational environment provides students with a curriculum that includes coding, robotics, and hands-on making, all guided by the Design Thinking methodology. Beginning with foundational tools like Bee-bots and Kodable in the early years, our students gradually advance to more complex tasks involving programming, electronics, and 3D printing. This scaffolded learning curve, from basic coding with Kodable to complex robotics projects, not only equips our students for academic challenges but also lays the groundwork for creative problem-solving and innovation.
All students benefit from individualized access to iPads, using apps that promote media creation rather than consumption. Students are encouraged to produce work, document that work, and share it with others. This process opens the door for constructive feedback, offering students valuable insights to improve their future work. Middle school students create and problem-solve using wood, straws, cardboard, duct tape, 3D printers, Arduinos, motors, and sensors. They are taught to design, model, prototype, test, fail, and iterate so that they learn from their mistakes and move forward successfully.
Our Program Features:
Writable teaching wall spanning entire front of classroom
Epson interactive projectors
Document cameras
1:1 iPad program
The science rooms have additional LED monitors in key areas