Unlocking the Lingo: An HDS Glossary of Terms (Part Two)

By Noelle Becker, Director of Communications
We continue our exploration of Unlocking the Lingo of Harbor Day School (you can read Part 1 here) by diving deeper into the vocabulary of frequently used school phrases, events, and terms. In this installment, we examine the evolution of these terms and shed light on their significance within our community.

The Beacon - Harbor Day’s school magazine is The Beacon. The earliest Beacon found on record was in 1970. The Beacon has taken various forms throughout the years, including a newspaper, newsletter, and now a magazine. It is published twice a year.
Grandparents’ Day - No one does Grandparents’ Day quite like Harbor Day School. The first Grandparents’ Day was held in 1974. Every year, the Friday before Mother’s Day, Harbor Day hosts over 500 grandparents and special friends on its campus. We have over 100 dedicated parent volunteers to ensure this event is nothing short of magical for each grandparent. Grandparents are greeted by smiling eighth-grade students who escort them to their seats. They indulge in light refreshments and are treated to a heartwarming music program performed by our K-8 students. After the show, grandparents stroll the campus with their grandchildren, marveling at their classrooms and admiring the impressive artwork on display, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Harbor Lights – Harbor Day’s celebration of art and literature began in 1981 under the guidance of former Director of Lower School Kris Rowe. For those students who love writing and/or art, they may see their work in the annual production of this magazine. Teachers select student writing or artwork to be highlighted in the magazine. Harbor Lights is distributed to each student at the end of the school year. It’s a beautiful piece that represents many of our talented writers and artists.
Moving Up Day – Some students might say this is their favorite event of the year, signifying that summer is about to begin. Moving Up Day is on the last day of school, and each grade level (starting with 8th) stands in front of the student body, sings a song, and is granted a promotion to the next grade by the head of school. It’s a joyful ceremony for students and teachers to celebrate the end of the school year. Moving Up Day started in the same year as the Blue-Gold Track Meet in 1968!
Revolutionary Day – Fifth grade students participate in this day towards the end of the school year. Revolutionary Day celebrates all the work the kids have done this year while studying the varying experiences and cultures of the people who were involved in the beginning and forming of our nation. This year it will take place on Friday, May 24. With the help of many parent volunteers, students rotate to different stations, such as candle making, butter making, crafting corn husk dolls, eating journey cakes (yum), and making apothecary jars, to name a few. At the end of the day, students put on a musical presentation for families.

The Gold Rush –This grade-level tradition began back in 1996. After a year-long study of California, the Gold Rush is the culminating event at the end of the third grade. This is a day for students to participate in amusing games and events with the help from parent volunteers. Some of the crowd’s favorite events include sack races, cherry spitting contests, horseshoe throwing, and panning for gold!
State Fair – Since its inception in 1993, the State Fair has become a cherished tradition for fourth graders at Harbor Day School. The curriculum for this grade level revolves around exploring the diverse regions of the United States. Each student is tasked with delving into the unique characteristics of a specific state, embarking on a research journey throughout the school year.
As the culmination of their efforts, the State Fair brings students and parents together to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for their assigned states. Divided into regions, students showcase their discoveries, creating a memorable celebration of American heritage and learning.
The Weekly –The Weekly is Harbor Day’s digital school news email that is sent out every Monday. Chances are you are reading this message from The Weekly. Before 2013, the school e-news was sent out bi-weekly. To get pertinent information to our families and faculty, the school made the change to send out news and information weekly. Therefore, the Weekly was born.
The warm community aspect of Harbor Day is such a huge part of the culture of this school.
Many of these terms are events that have turned into annual traditions. The school has many tried and true traditions. Some of these traditions have lasted decades, while others have just begun.

Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.