Spanish Students get Immersed in Cultural Traditions

Violeta Cambra
In upper school, students use the Spanish language to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken language and written text, and to present information, concepts, and ideas. The Hispanic culture is also covered in enriching ways here at Harbor Day School. Some of the cultural events are the Day of the Dead celebration, the Pen Pal Exchange Program, and Spanish field trips.

Day of the Dead Celebration
The Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos is a celebration that takes place in Mexico on November 1 and 2. It is believed that, on these two days, the souls of the departed return home for nourishment and reassurance that they have not been forgotten. The students at Harbor Day learn about the Mexican customs associated with this popular and sentimental holiday. Students acknowledge this important Spanish celebration during a fiesta in which they participate in the tradition of decorating skulls made out of papier-mâché. Students enjoyed this activity very much showing their wonderful creativity.

Pen Pal Exchange with Students in Spain
Some of the long-term goals of our Spanish program are for students to gain a general exposure to another language and become educated about other cultures. A pen-pal relationship is one of the ways in which the seventh and eighth grade students accomplish these goals. Currently, they are participating in a pen-pal exchange program with students attending another private school in the city of Zaragoza, Spain. Our students recently received their first letter. We have responded, practicing our Spanish writing skills. This exchange program will continue to be a great learning tool that will not only help students practice and improve their communication skills, but will also motivate them toward further language study. As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect.”

Spanish Field Trips
Besides the popular world language trips, students in grades five through eight go on various language field trips. This fall, seventh grade Spanish students were treated to a visit to the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach. It is the only art museum in the Western United States that is solely dedicated to the art and culture of Latin America. The students enjoyed learning about Latino art that is lively, colorful, and abstract. One of the exhibits was about artists who created Dia de los Muertos original altars made of various media, including ceramics, collage, painting, sculpture, and photography revolving around the passing on of myths, legends, historical events, and everyday experiences. After the tour, students enjoyed participating in a “hands on” workshop the museum offers as part of their educational enrichment program. It is a fun and enriching day with art and culture! As students progress through their language study, they also have the opportunity to travel to a Spanish speaking country. This optional (annual) travel experience gives students a first-hand look at life in another environment.
These experiences collectively help students understand and appreciate the Spanish language and culture. It builds the foundation for being global citizens for their continued language study in high school.


Harbor Day School

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Harbor Day School is a co-educational private independent K-8 school established in 1952.